Voice of the Industry
Modern Masonry’s recently-conducted homemakers survey unveiled some intriguing findings on the nation’s view of homeownership and the housing market. Here Andrew Minson, Executive Director at Modern Masonry, gives readers an in-depth insight into the verdicts; highlighting the highs and lows of the nation’s current and future house-building activities.
Gareth Clements, Commercial Director at Rumpus PR, discusses the importance of contractors evolving their PR and marketing efforts to remain relevant, responsive and engaging.
Beyond the traditional light gauge steel framing markets, the development of volumetric modular and pod products is becoming increasingly important. Steel framing systems provide many of the characteristics that the design and manufacture of these solutions require. Steve Thompson, Managing Director of EOS Facades, discusses future trends and applications.
If properly specified, dry-fixed ridge, hip and verge systems create trouble-free roofs that remain maintenance-free for years. The new BS 8612 Dry-fixed Ridge, Hip and Verge Systems for Slating and Tiling will help both contractors and designers get it right, says Kevin Ley, Technical Manager at Redland.
Uncertainty around the status of EU workers after Brexit has sharpened concerns about the construction skills shortage in Britain. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) estimates that the industry could potentially lose up to 176,000 jobs, or 8% of its workforce, depending on the details of any deal that the UK Government negotiates with Brussels.