In response to the declining skilled labour market, the company decided to create the Sidey Training Academy and begin an associated Modern Apprenticeship Program with the intention of growing its workforce and promising long term security of employment, to those engaged within it.
The launch event will see Sidey open the doors of its Training Academy to local schools, colleges, and councillors so they can speak with the team about Sidey’s Modern Apprentice Installer program and how the company supports the Young Persons Guarantee. Tayside Police will also be attending to conduct a ‘Young Driver Road Safety’ presentation for the apprentices along with the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service who will also carry out a ‘Road Safety’ presentation.
Donna Montgomery, Sidey’s Community Benefits Manager commented – “Sidey’s Training Academy extends beyond the physical space created next door to our Perth showroom, it encompasses the resources invested every single day in coaching, mentoring, and training our apprentices to become exceptional members of our team”.